Is Doing Homework a Waste of Time?

In recent years, homework has been a subject that has been causing stress and tension in the family and unnecessary pressure. The research was carried in a school that contained about four thousand three hundred students. About fifty-six percent of the students said that homework is stressful; some students stated that homework leads to sleep deprivation; homework also increases anxiety levels. Weight loss is also another effect of doing homework; this is also another reason why some students also do not like doing homework. After some thorough research and reviews, the ACS Egham decided to remove homework for students between four and eleven years old. The debate on students having homework in schools is still going on, and various schools approach doing homework differently. 

Traditional homework

Traditional homework is also knowing as “busy homework.” It is what most students and teachers prefer to call it. This kind of homework is generic, and it also has a very negligible impact on the students’ experience of learning. This kind of homework presumes that every student has the same maturity level and that every student is the same. So this type of homework is a little boring as many of you know that the level of maturity varies from one student to another. With this kind of homework, if students are given this homework, they will find it very stressful, most especially when they are given assignments that are very hard to do and are supposed to do by themselves.

With children having seven hours in school, the small free time that the kids have is already taken up by the homework assignments. Hence, they do not have time for even their family and friends or even time to use for other activities like playing football, and so on.

Personalized approaches

Now for this type of approach, instead of the teacher assigning homework to kids to do it at home, they will share the topics that are supposed to be done in the next term with the kids’ parents. That way, they will discuss the topics with their parents at home. Other activities are usually added to the homework assignment, such as visiting an art exhibition, museum, and hands-on activity.

Parents can use everyday life examples like measuring furniture or budgeting for groceries. Parents are highly encouraged to revise and read books with their kids for as long as they can handle. And also, they are to make sure that doing homework is enjoyable. When reading becomes enjoyable and not just a chore, literacy skills also increase.

Alternative education systems

In countries like Finland, teachers do not assign homework to kids at all, and they do not go to school until when they reach the age of 7, and the time is taken in school is short. With all this being said, Finland is one of the world’s countries to have one of the best education systems around the globe. According to the article on the BBC, the concept that schools in Finland use just trust. Teachers assign less homework to students and do not have the culture of charging parents extra tuition for private lessons.


Homework is not a waste of time if it is handled well, and when homework is not handled correctly in the right way, homework can be stressful and boring when doing it.
